XBOX One, World Of Tanks Beta - The Gamers Life - Cyber Scythe Gaming

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XBOX One, World Of Tanks Beta

Cyber Scythe Gaming
Published by in Gaming ·
1'st snippet of news, ''Tanks!'' The XBOX One now has World Of Tanks and players have early access as of the moment I am typing this. And I played it last night, Overall I am Impressed, the lighting seems a little off but thats not enough to detract from just how epic the new tanks look. Three words. They, are, stunning! There is loads more detail and not just visually but also in the sound that they make both when driving and when firing the cannon. And even variuos particle effects have got some pretty serious upgrades like the exhaust smoke that rises from your tank and the dust that kicks up when your in motion, and dont even get me started on the shockwaves emitted when you fire your cannon even the smaller tanks make a good shockwave. I will stop right there to give you a chance to check this game out for yourself, and I hope to see you on the virtual battlefield. 

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